For Nene


Nene, a wake-up call
A young life cut short
Raped, crushed, dumped
Countless others
Statistics that conveniently pass from sight

From an unconscious man’s fetish
Springs a glimmer of hope
The flame brightens
A nation awakes
“No more!”

Emotion stirs, anger, grief
Who is to blame?
The government, society, inequality?

Sadness too, quiet introspection
We have failed ourselves
Failed our women

The roots run deep
Early childhood neglect
Countless damaged, fragile souls
“Sins of the fathers” pass down generations
No quick fixes here
Patient, caring, urgent work
What greater priority than this?

From locker room banter
To boardroom jabs
“Harmless” fun
“Boys will be boys”, you see

It’s too hard. Too deep. All is lost
Just one of those damaged men
More problem than solution
No way out of this mess

But no. If I am honest, I can lift myself
Appeal to the highest, the finest within
It is there. It is what I truly am
And if I can, all men can

Men, arise! This is your change to make
From cowardly locker room boys
Sniggering our insecurities
To a brotherhood of dignified, protective strength
Full grown men, honourable, in touch, in tune
“Be the change”
Now is the time

A woman out on a dark street
A street lined with a thousand men
Shining from each
“I will protect you”
“I will protect you”

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